I made this postcard the other day for a friend. I scored a stack of these antique postcards from the turn of the century last summer up in northern Wisconsin. They are fun to paint on. I love sending/receiving things in the mail. In a way its become a lost art. I used to love drawing on envelopes as a kid and sending them to Thrasher in hopes of getting the esteemed "Envelope of the Month." I got it once and it was even pictured in collage style in their Skate and Destroy book that came out a couple years back. Back when I was doing the zine on a regular basis I was getting tons of cool letters in the mail. Atleast 90% were from prisoners and those were always the best ones. I feel that our society is becoming really ADHD due to the fast paced nature of tech-advancement. Instead of taking the time to sit down and write a letter and adorn it with some art its just become so much easier to email. Kids born after 1990 aren't even taught cursive hand writing. I say up the snail mail! Lets bring it back. Send me your address if you would like me to mail you one. You have to send me something equally interesting via snail mail being the only catch.
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