"CBG, thrash attack, axe grinder, fucking maniac, NDHC, proper ass heel flips, exposer of film, all around nice guy. These are just a few things that come to mind describing skateboard photography extraordinaire Mathew Jenkins. Matt is also known by the nickname, "Cookie," amongst certain circles.... I know he's super bummed on it but there's nothing he can do about it at this point. Hell. I knew the dude for well over a year before I learned his real name. Cookie moved to Minneapolis from his hometown of Fargo North Dakota sometime in the late 90's. Homies been a staple of the local Punk and Skate scenes respectively ever since. He's super sick on the skate and equally creative behind the camera lens. This kid is on the constant grind. Whether its touring with his band, "Useless Wooden Toy's," or going on skate trips, it seems like he never sleeps. Matt had an article published in a local newspaper a few years ago which essentially entailed him being a tour guide to the cities sketchiest strip clubs. It was quite hilarious considering the journalist that cookie took on this titty bar extravaganza was rather sqaure. Since his humble beginnings, Matts photo's and writing have graced the likes of Lowcard, Sacrifice Skateboards, Stuck Mag, Life Sucks Die and many other underground projects. Keep your eyes peeled because this kid is on the come up. Just don't ever feed him Henessey after midnight because he'll turn into a black Chuck Norris on angel dust, doing multiple scissor kicks in your chest while rocking a King Diamond cape. No joke. I learned the hard way. [ Chris Johnson R.I.P.]
-Chris Thatcher
I made this postcard the other day for a friend. I scored a stack of these antique postcards from the turn of the century last summer up in northern Wisconsin. They are fun to paint on. I love sending/receiving things in the mail. In a way its become a lost art. I used to love drawing on envelopes as a kid and sending them to Thrasherin hopes of getting the esteemed "Envelope of the Month." I got it once and it was even pictured in collage style in their Skate and Destroy book that came out a couple years back. Back when I was doing the zine on a regular basis I was getting tons of cool letters in the mail. Atleast 90% were from prisoners and those were always the best ones. I feel that our society is becoming really ADHD due to the fast paced nature of tech-advancement. Instead of taking the time to sit down and write a letter and adorn it with some art its just become so much easier to email. Kids born after 1990 aren't even taught cursive hand writing. I say up the snail mail! Lets bring it back. Send me your address if you would like me to mail you one. You have to send me something equally interesting via snail mail being the only catch.
Chris Johnsona good friend of mine, fellow skateboarder and vocalist in the Minneapolis based thrash band was murdered a few months ago in Indiana while on tour. This record came out after this completely fucking tragic event. Everyone should order one of these records because all proceeds go to Michelle Green, Chris' wife who got stuck with a shit load of debt. I did all the artwork for it and auctioned off the original ink drawing with all profits going to Michelle. You can order it directly through Learning Curve Records.Thrash in Peace Chris. You will be missed dearly homie.
I've been working with Benny from the Gaslight Anthem and the dudes over at Hooligan Skateboards. I just got word that this board is in production and being issued as on old school, Santa Cruz style shape. The Gaslight Anthem is blowing the fuck up right now. They are playing shows all over the damn planet and even appeared on the Letterman show the other night! Check 'em out. They are putting New Jersey back on the map son! On a CBG skate trip a few years ago we ended up crashing at Bennie and Little Mikes house in New Brunswick. After a night of copious beer consumption I ended up sleeping in the next day. I was crashed out on the couch in the basement which also served as the bands practice space. I remember half drunkenly waking up that morning to Bennie banging on the drums and Mike screaming, "ROCK AND ROLL ALARM CLOCK!!" Good times.
La Terza Madre (The Third Mother or The Mother of Tears which it was released as in the U.S.) is one of the latest offering's to horror cinema from none other than the master, Dario Argento. This is the final chapter in Argento's trilogy known as The Three Mothers. The first film, Suspiria, was released in 1977 which was followed by Deep Red or Proffundo Russo in 1980. Its pretty crazy to think that the final installment has been on the back burner for roughly 30 years.
The story of three mothers is based on three witches that ruled the world back in the 13th century, spreading plague, insanity and pure malevolence to everything in their path. They were Mater Lachrymarum, Mater Suspiriorum, and Mater Tenebrarum or the mothers of tears, sighs and shadows. In the final chapter a construction crew unearths a mysterious coffin while excavating the ruins of an old church in modern day Rome. Amongst the ancient remains within the coffin is an alter box containing a sacrificial dagger, three demonic statues and a talismanic cloak with strange pagan ruins inscribed on it. Essentially what ensues is an outbreak of pure hell. The city is swept over by a brutal crime wave. There are mass suicides, rapings, murders, women killing their babies, etc. The opening scene were the demons are accidently summoned when a museum curator reads the inscriptions on the statues is by far the most brutal shit to come out in a while. But this movie is in no way your run of the mill gore film. It is a supernatural thriller laced with all the classic Argentian elements: Beautiful women brutally murdered, strange animal characters (in this case a small monkey serving as a look out to the harbingers of evil), crazy plot twists and superb use of color and camera detail which all come together under a story line thats been 30 years in the making.
After these remains are unearthed it basically brings forth a second age of witches. The mother of tears, the last of the three mothers, regains her powers after laying dormant for many years. Witches fly in (on airplanes) from all over the world to meet in Rome for the celebration of the new era of Witches on earth. Asia Argento plays the character of Sarah Mandy. She's an assistant to the museum curator and witness to the ultra violent murder of her co-worker by what appears to be 3 demons. She manages to escape only to find that the police think she's completely fucking crazy and a pin her as a suspect. She decides to run and is detected by a group of witches. This is were shit gets crazy. She finds out that her dead mother was actually a powerful good witch who helped defeat Mater Tenebrarum but was killed in the process. So Sarah Mandy is guided by the spirit of her dead mother through out the remainder of the film on a quest to destroy the Mother of Tears.
What I liked most about the film was when an old priest tells the story of the three mothers it turns to a black and white graphic novel style story board illustration. I thought this added a very classic touch to the film overall. I felt that they could of left out a few of the CGI effects though since they always look super cheesy to me. With that aside I really enjoyed this film. I think Argento is coming through even this late into his career. I watch so many horror films and am utterly disappointed by lack of originality or execution at-least half the time. This film definitely rises above in all the categories that make a good horror show. Don't sleep on this one. GO CHECK IT OUT!
I Just hooked up with Rene over at Sacrifice Skateboardsand will be working with them on some new shirt and deck designs. This rotting mermaid graphic will be the first design to drop in the next couple weeks. Sacrifice has been around for over 10 years and has always stayed true to the underground. I am honored to be able to grace their boards with my artwork. My longtime homie and roomate BJ Morrill is also one of their pro riders. Peep some footy of BJ. HOMIE KILLS IT!
Hi there - there should probably be a new issue of concussion on your doorstep by now, or maybe early next week. unfortunately it is probably the last one you'll get, at least in its current glossy 8x10 form. as many of you know this has never been a for-profit operation and we've been skidding by, barely breaking even for the past few years. so when the recession kicked into high gear late last year, many of our longtime advertisers had to pull the plug. we lost about 1/3 of our core advertising base in a month, as many of you know because sales at the end of the year tanked. i could've shrunk the page count in half but to use the cancer patient analogy, i'd rather go out with a bang than have it die a sad, slow and painful death. personally i feel that this is one of the best issues we've put out (aside from the flaky art direction, sorry) and so this is a good way to end this chapter of concussion. i only found out about this in very late december and have been kicking around our options, but deep down i knew it was a bag and it is time to cut our losses and not get under any more debt. and that's fine, im pretty busy as it is. i could use more time skating and shooting photos and less time behind the computer. i do enough of that at my day job. but it's sad nonetheless, i started concussion right out of college and i'm now 36, so that's a good 15 years of doing something that is not your day job. concussion may continue on as some sort of photo / *bleep* talking website or i might do a small size zine on the copier at work, but the days of printing 10,000 copies in the bookstore are done unless i win the lottery, or one of you guys wants to publish us. just kidding about that last part. so id just like to sincerely thank all of you for your help and support over the years, couldn't have done it without you. like i said, we have never been for profit but without all of our advertisers we wouldn't have even had the money to break even and keep printing. on top of that you all know that small mags like us don't always reach the most people or the target consumer and so it was always nice to have that support from y'all because it felt like you were supporting something that was more true to pure skateboarding and less so to mass market advertising. anyway, we have a dvd coming out in a few months (irony, no?) and a *bleep*load of back issues and old product to unload so we can get out from this mountain of $10,000+ debt we have from this latest issue, after that i'll figure out what i feel like doing and we'll see where it goes. part of me wants to start something new and part of me wants to wash a couple vicodins down with a few beers and go skate some more pools. whatever, it's been fun. ill be in touch about new projects as they arise, if you have any web budget for this year we will probably be interested in tapping into that at some point. we're probably going to relaunch the website with a redesign at some point, although right now everything is up in the air. feel free to hit me up with any suggestions you have or whatever. anyway i wanted you to hear it from me first although the issue has shipped and some of you already know the news. it was a go but now it's a bag, thanks for everything. xoxo - davoud
I've been putting out zines for almost 10 years now. It's always just been a way to communicate to the underground and also a means of self expression. Most of these first posts on here are actually zine fodder/pages that never made it to print in issues of Street Theater, Perkulator or Adict. So here they are in digital format. Enjoy!