PH: So your doing Teenage Runaway Urethane. I noticed you have a Dostovesky wheel. Are you actually an avid reader of this famous 20th century existentialist or was the wheel graphic just supposed to be funny?
TB: I've read Crime and Punishment, and bits and pieces of others, that graphic was actually the brain child of Kyle Green.
PH: I saw the new creature line that you did. Since Flip joined the NHS camp recently, will we start seeing your artwork on other boards under that umbrella?
TB: I've done a hand full if stuff for Creature and I do a lot of the flip stuff, I might end up doing some things here and there. No real plans yet, but I'm down for doing some graphics so I guess you never know.
PH: So mustaches are like hot shit right now. I mean they've infiltrated hipsterdom and are gradually making a full swing comeback. Do you think products such as "Mustache Wax" will also thrive once again due to this trend or is the economy just simply too fucked up right now for that?
TB: As a new owner of a mustache of my own (3 days and counting), I hope that mustache accessories start hitting the market, it would make my life a lot easier I know that much.
PH: During your Volcom art tour you got to travel to some pretty crazy places such as Japan and Germany. Did you experience any sort of culture shock or meet any strangely obsessive German people?
TB: Tokyo was kinda a culture shock, but i knew it would be and I loved every second of it. As for obsessive german people? nope. Nothing like that.
PH: With all this mouse clicking, inter-netting and pen pushing going on, do you still find time to skate?
TB: Most every day, even if its just pushing down the street to 7-11, not as much as I'd like, but yeah, I roll for sure. I gotta.
PH: Ive always been curious about the voluptuous skull faced women you tend to draw a lot off. I heard a while ago from someone that you actually take photo's of random women that you see around town and then use them as models for your art. Is this true or a complete and utter farce?
TB: Its true. I dont just shoot spy photos or anything like that. If i see a girl that I feel I could use as inspiration for art, I'll go talk to her and try set something up, really mellow. I find its good to have a lot of pose files on hand, makes it all a bit easier.
PH: Tang or Kool-aid?
TB: Tang. Tang gives me the most fucked up night terrors every time. and I always know that going into the deal, but sometimes its fun to KNOW you are gonna freak out in your sleep... Kool-Aid dont do that.
PH: Besides Phillips, VCJ, McKee, Pushead and the all the other usual suspects, what non-skateboard artists inspire your work?
TB: Non-skateboard? only one artist outside of skateboarding is at all inspiring to me... Tom of Finland, look up his work, its on point.
PH: You had put out a zine a while back. "Tickled Pink" I believe it was called. Is this still available and are you thinking about making any more zines in the future?
TB: There has been Tickled Pink 1 and 2, all pink paper and just collections of drawings, a lot of hand embellishing in each zine. I usually end up making a zine for most art shows I do, I really enjoy making those things, I'm sure I'll be making more soon, want to make 4 issues of Tickled Pink. you can get zines I have done on
PH: Whats the weirdest thing youv'e ever recieved in the mail?
TB: Uh... I'm not usually the one getting the weird mail, I'm usually sending it. But I just got Pooh in the mail the other day!
PH: Whats the most out of the blue type company/band/whatever that has ever approached you to do art for them?
TB: There has'nt been too much out of skateboarding, I cant even think of anything that would be odd. I'd be down for whatever though, as long as the project seemed cool.
PH: Vinyl, CD's or download that shit mutha fucka?
TB: Vinyl if I can find what im looking for on it, but usually download from iTunes. whatever it takes to hear the music I wanna hear.
13. I know you were involved with Life Sucks Die back in the hey day of the Minneapolis graff scene. You ever do any writing back then?
TB: I used to a little, kinda whatever, I just liked messing around. All my friends were doing it so its what I was around a lot.
PH: Who would win in a fight: Tony Danza or Uncle Jesse from Full House?
TB: Um, those are both the same person. but I bet Uncle Jesse from the Dukes would cream 'em both even tho they are the EXACT same person.
PH: So whats projects are you currently working on that we have to look forward to in the future?
TB: Nothing in particular, if you wanna see my stuff just pay attention to Volcom, Nike SB, Flip, enjoi, the skateboard MAG, Teenage Runawway... I dunno, just check my blog for info on what I'm up to, I update it a few times a day.